I'm sick with a sorethroat due to too much yakking non-stop while not replenishing my body with fluids~ Nevertheless i feel compelled to blog and share my precious few collection of photos (i was too busy talking to be photo hunting) and hope that whoever reads this will send some photos from their camera to me via e-mail~ It will be greatly appreciated~ Arigato gozaimasu
I want to convey a big thank you to my family,JH's family as well as aunts, uncles, and cousins who took the time to come and help make my special day even more special~
I am also so touched that Yung Yung, Yeng Wen and Suet Yin my SETA buddies who took the time out to come and celebrate with me even though we haven't seen each other in ages~
And of course thank you C2/04 for giving me one of the most memorable 2 and a half years of my life. May we all have bright futures ahead of us and that we all try our best to keep in touch cos friends are like seeds that grow into gigantic trees (courtesy of Voon who quoted from the wise man himself Mr. Mah)
Enjoy the photos~
Li Wen the friend that i got to really know in sem 5. And we just clicked cos we love to talk and exchange information ^-^
JH the one who changed my Seremban life~
Auntie Sai Kee, Benjamin, my dad, me ,JH,mom,Auntie Ah kee, Daniel and my cousin Edwin. They've seen me grow up and blessed me with their kindness my whole life.
My beloved family with my parents in' couple clothing'.Muahaha loving it~
SETA buddies~at least 12 years of friendship~ Good friends are hard to come by and i'm glad i've got a few
Yung Yung best friends since from 1
Suet Yin fellow doctor and top scorer muahaha~
Finally i got sunflowers~ i love them so much thanks JH~
A delightful surpise from Auntie Ah Kee~ a dozen roses~
hi cousin!
congrates upon your graduation!
i'm so proud of you =)
anyways,nice pictures,and not forgetting pretty lovely flowers
as well..
i can't wait for my graduation!
hehe..do take care and see ya!
Thanks so much!Was so touched that the whole maternal and paternal family helped make my day such a special one.And even someone so far away in NZ remembered!(ie. thats you!)Thanks ya you take care too~
Congarts, now that officially a Dr.
cho chweeet! yeap...'people' are the most treasurable treasures.hold each one close to U.
see ya in Ipoh...till then, happy hols.
ha ha or wats left of our meagre holidays~ haha see ya in Ipoh girl~ To the start of a brand new journey~cheers~
walau so many flowers one =( i jeles d.... heheeh...
Hehehe guys shouldn't take so many flowers la~ not manly ler
Alerr... nvm mar =P hehehe...
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