Saturday, 22 December 2007

Star Awards 2007

I know for everyone in JB and Spore the Star Awards is like so last week~ but its only now that i finished watching the shows in its entirety all 3!! The 25th anniversary Star Awards the Star Awards proper and then the post awards show. This years show was pretty good with lots of surprises peppered throughout the show. I mean Chris and Fann kissing twice on stage? Vivian Lai (ok la maybe her husband is rich and she is rather cute anyway) and Yao Dong(head scratcher) in the top 10? Chen Li Ping same league as Fann and Zoe? Bi Ren and Ivy Lee showing the youngsters who's boss. And many many more~

But most of all .. what got me thinking was ~ only 3 of the 7 princesses in the Top 10 female?


To those who don't watch Spore TV these are the '7 princesses' of caldecott hill. A term coined for 7 young up and coming actresses in channel 8~ the significance being perhaps one of them will one day be queen when Zoe finally relinquishes her crown.

Now for a photo intro of the said seven.

1.JESSECA LIU (yup thts how its spelt)

Like her quite a bit since she's Malaysian and seems to be doing pretty well over there. Love her good non-Malaysian accented mandarin and non-pretentiousness. And the fact tht she can actually act. Nominated twice for best actress so far in her early career.

What she wore for the awards

Back view

With Dasmond Koh (whom which i stole many pics for the blog since the mediacorp website pics aren't as nice)

2. DAWN YEOH (not to be mistaken for the quite-likely-to-be-surgically-enhanced-though-she denies-it-blogger)

The one on the far right

She is one of the many spore actresses JH actually likes. Too sweetie pie for me though.


Shot to fame as the act dumb Mo Jing Jing in Holland V. Said to look like a cross between Sammi Cheng and Stefanie Sun. One of the more photogenic and has been nominated once for best actress even as a newcomer.

perfectly symmetrical face


The one that stands out for her devil may care attitude. She was talent spotted in an ad (and those days my mom actually thought she looked like my cousin Kin Chui). She's starred in an MTV with Jay Chou before too. A non-conformist and has her own fan base. No need to share fans with all the other sweetie pie princesses.

Not someone who likes smiling for the camera


Her career picked up after many good girl roles especially the one as mei ren yu in 'Tong Xin Yuan'. Her blogs have great pics and nothing much else like a guilty pleasure.

With the ever suave Christoper Lee

From her blog so should be her nails~ so pretty~


Rumoured to be with fellow colleague Tay Ping Hui. Was a contestant in the Miss Spore Universe. Won 2 subsidiary titles but did not make it to the 2nd round. Nevertheless picked up an acting contract and many endorsement deals.I remember her for her stiff acting. Not sure how much she has improved tho cos haven't watch any of her new shows recently.

With Dasmond and Yaodong in the white suit.

Luckily she changed from her tux inspired baju to this fish scales dress

7.FIONA XIE (last but not least)

My favourite style meister and to me the best dressed and most enjoyable to watch. She's acting in a movie (ghost themed) with HK actor Shawn Yue too.

Miss photogenic

men love her girls just get jealous of her.

So guess which 3 got in? Just based on the pics?


Guess... Guess..

Queen Zoe

Beautiful ppl

So have you guessed?

Its Jesseca

Rui En

and Felicia~



  1. Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

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