Thursday, 27 November 2008

Second trip to Cameron HIghlands

I never thought i would be going there again.Not in such a short span from the first trip anyway. But this time it was for work.Ha ha district postings with a specialist one Mo and another houseman.It was actually supposed to be a 2 day trip which we were so hyped up for as it would be the first time any of us besides the specialist of course would be entering the Orang Asli settlement to do health screenings.

But alas it was not to be.Due to the recent rainy season the area is now landslide area and it would be difficult getting in and out of the settlement. The only way would be by motorbikes but even that would be dangerous too.So the team in Cameron Highlands cancelled the trip and scheduled it to a later date.Damn~

So it just became a day trip where we saw some patients in the clinic and visited the 7 patients in the paeds ward. I tell you the hospital is state of the art and much nicer than many private hospitals in terms of infrastructure anyway. And don't get me started on the Mo quarters there~ Magnificent tudor styled apartments and homes! Its like a holiday resort.

What p***ed me off though was how unfair the plight of the orang asli's are. They are the true settlers of this country and yet they are treated as a minority group seldom misunderstood and least benefiting from any rancangan started in this country. It seems that they have hardly any health benefits, almost every child is malnourished, immunization is more often than not missed and yet they are such kind forgiving people. They are so shy and just want to live the life they have lived for thousands of years.

All the money wasted on all those useless courses could perhaps be channeled to them? There is just too much mismanagement of resources here~sigh

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