Saturday, 10 January 2009

worst call ever~

Wa lao seriously worst call ever in Slim and once again it wasn't even my call to begin with. Ugh.. pls someone remind me never to change calls with ppl ever again.. and to think Tahirah had such a good call the day before! Argh~~its to painful for me to reenact here so i shall not for fear of further inflicting pain on to myself~ argh ..time to be more prepared~

Worst thin gis cant even go to KL straight away cos JH was roped in to help No El cos he happened to be in the ward at that fateful time. Dang .. should have ask him to go home first.Now damn sien~ hopefully he doesn't need to go accompany patient to ..Teluk Intan! Like tht evening only can reach KL lor~ sien sien~

Argh~this is so depressing~ after the wonderful meeting up with my whole family last weekend~ hai~ hopefully CNY shopping will take some of the blues away~ and seeing Ben again 1 week post Taylor's~ wonder what he looks like now~ kaka

Jh come home faster~~or i'm gonna fall asleep~

on a happier note.. much happier~ bough the new Majolica Majorca lash gorgeous wing mascara which is ok la very smudge proof and holds curls but does not really do much in thickening lashes so now my lashes look like curled lidi sticks compared to the clumpy moths of my previous mascara.

Oh and i really recommend that ppl go and watch this movie~

angus thongs and perfect snogging~ really good~

Especially for those who like all things brit~

Gah~JH is still not back yet~

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