Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Wedding fever

It seems like every other day, me Tahirah and Soomi will be discussing about weddings and what gowns to choose, what hairstyle and today was worse.. what poses to do for the bridal shoot.

Ha ha learning from them, i realized i have much to research! And i don't have much time too.

Let the wedding fever begin!! Gotta book my make-up artist and photographers soon before they get snapped up! Apparently my wedding date is also a hot fave with other couples getting married next year.

Argh time to focus on the wedding~


  1. Thanks! Must come to my wedding k? Sure lots of EC jie jie wanna catch up with you.

  2. Sure, I take this as an invitation??? kekeke

  3. ha ha i'll be honoured.. but obviously i'll give u a formal invitation when the time comes la.

  4. hey .. hey .. hey ..
    so, u hav finally decided on d wedding date ...
    hhm .. din hint tat to me also :(

    but anyway .. ahhh .. feel so happy for u .. :D
    CONGRATS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    jeez .. cant wait to see u in the wedding gown :P

  5. wahaha too early to hint ler.. hahaha pls leave these dates free.. 30th May and 5th JUne muahaha
