Friday, 6 August 2010

Mila's Daydream

Wouldn't if be great if you could capture your dreams as a baby in pictures? Well that was exactly what this mom did during her maternity leave. She imagined her baby in her dreamworld and recreated it into these stunning and whimsical pictures! These are the ones i love the most.

    Very zen. Loving the pink robes.

Baby laundry.

Really loving the Harry Potter specs and bookworm tail.

This was based on a painting 'La promenade'.Love the interpretation of it.

Outer space.

Little juggler.

To see more here's the link.


  1. girl..this is super cute ok!!!!

  2. haha maybe you can do this with ur baby

  3. wow .. d pics r cool ..
    i like d harry potter one .. hahaha
