Monday, 23 May 2011

Daiso cleaners

I don't know how, but my Daiso hauls are starting to look very 'cleaning lady domesticated'. A sure sign of old age.

Behold my latest haul.

 They consist of:

1) Arm 'socks' so that i don't tan myself while driving. Yes i'm giving driving a second shot.
2) Brush with long handle for scrubbing sinks.
3) Tea bags without tea. Yup my mom wanted it cos chinese tea don't come in bags.
4) Nail base coat.I realised i needed it when my painted nails started turning yellow when colour is removed.Ewww..
5) Best Buy of All- Pipe de-clogger! Its the statin of all clogged pipes! I have no idea what is written on the packaging as it's all in Japanese, but the diagram on the box tells me it definitely unclogs pipes. It comes in 5 sachets of white powder.I have no idea how to use it or what the white powder consists of, but all i can say it that it works!I poured one sachet into the partially clogged sink, add one jug of hot water, see some bubbling from the kitchen sink and wa laaa... my sink now has a nice water flow to it. It used to be quite clogged up and it had really bad water flow. It was all very satisfying.

Is it a wonder that i am addicted to Japanese household items?


  1. haha i went to Daiso last week too. this time i bought drawer partition again (this time buy more), false eyelash (transparent line), eyelash curler, lace table cloth for my dressing table, washing machine clothes protector (not sure the terms), hair fringe cutter (previously i buy scissor now try cutter),kitchen timer (not so good as it just ring short), hair bobby pin (short and long). i wanted to try Caramel corn as mentioned by u b4 but forget to buy.

  2. Sherlyn!! You and i are super Daiso fans lor! I bought before the transparent line fake lash! Must be careful cos i was too 'cho lor' already, even taking the lash out of the box also rosak!

  3. ya i can see the thin transparent line for the fake lash. haha i can stay in Daiso quite long while my hubby was watching movie in cinema so he no need to wait and mumble for me.
