Sunday, 1 January 2012


I've known about Plugys since about 6 months ago and since I'm not the kind who trusts online sellers very much ( a lace collar I bougth is still stuck somewhere), I waited for the day Plugys would find their way in some ingenious Chinese persons hand, and that he/ they would manufacture it in bulk and export it to Malaysia at a dirt cheap price but still enough for them to make a tidy profit.

I'm sorry paying rm50 for a piece of tiny plastic is not my style. Though I've been seriously tempted.

I am proud to say the Plugy, basically a phone accesorry with not much of a function except to make your phone cuter, but marketed as a functional tool to prevent dust and water from entering through the ear plug access (how come it wasn't invented a long time ago for other phones then huh?), is finally widely available in Malaysian stores!

And here's my Hello Kitty Plugy, part of a Christmas present from my brother!

It's seriously cute and matches my iPhone cover.

I went to Sunway Pyramid Asian Avenue today and spotted a few Plugys there as well at affordable prices.

This one is a diamond shaped one with a matching diamond iPhone push button sticker. Looks a bit low quality. Both for RM 25.

This was at mini toons going for RM 12. (Sorry for the 2 blurry pictures)

I've seen Plugys (original I presume) at Action City in Johor Bahru City Square in these designs at RM 49.90.

Whichever Plugy you prefer, they're the new handphone charms of the generation in an era where iPhones do not give you the option of dangling chunky (sometimes irritating) ornaments on your phone.

Do you have one?

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