Monday, 20 February 2012

Japanese magazines in Kinokuniya

I am currently sweating it out at a itinerary packed intensive course, with less time to sleep> watching TV is out of the question and my pre-recorded 'The Voice' sitting in my phone is currently left idle, for the sake of updating this post, cos if i don't do it soon, it will be so obsolete.

Here are the magazines and mooks section of Kinokuniya seen currently.

Coach Chinese Mooks at the Chinese section. Still some available though terribly depleted since it first came into stock.

The Malaysian Magazine Jessica comes with a free Asience tube of conditioner in a fairly good size.

The Japanese magazines available currently, including the Non-no magazine with the Snidel watch.

Vivi!! No need gifts for it to be sold.

Okay the rest of the pictures are self explanatory so no captions needed.

A candle-making kit mook!

Some of the mooks still available.

So many issues of Scawaii still on the shelves.

I am happy to report i had an unexpected find from the trip to Kinokuniya. Remember my obsession with detachable collars? Well, i found a November issue of ViVi which was previously sold out back on the shelves.Only one copy was miraculously displayed on the shelves (perhaps due to a cancelled reservation) and i quickly snapped it up since it was a magazine that i actually regretted not buying. I'll put some pictures up next post.

It's back to the books now!


  1. OMG WHEN DID YOU FIND IT?! I went to Kino about a week or two ago and there were no more copies of the Nov issue! T___T

    1. I found it on the 17 th Feb at 8 pm! Haha like a celebrity sighting. I've been lemming for it for ages so for it to miraculously appear was amazing. But now that I have it, the hype of having it is sort of over ..

  2. Was looking forward to this post. Thanks for all the lovely pictures. I think I have to stop myself from buying mooks, like you said earlier they are getting more expensive and it's questionable whether it's worth it nowadays.

    1. Thanks girl! At least I know the time I spent spy cam-Ing was not in vain. Haha I agree with u. I don't want to spend rm80 on a cheap looking bag... But I still have this crazy addiction to want to know what's available..
