Saturday, 25 August 2012

Paul and Joe freebie with Elle HK June issue

I haven't bought magazines for it's freebies in ages but i felt like this one was just calling me. It came out in Kinokuniya probably ages ago but recently popped up in stand alone bookstores. I saw it in one of those individual magazine stores while i was with my husband one day. My husband probably would not approve so i refrained from buying.

While out with my mom 2 days later, i saw it again at Popular bookstore and finally caved in.

What do you think of this RM15 buy?

Paul and Joe manicure set freebie.

I was surprised it actually came with the tools inside. I was expecting just the case. The interior is nicely lined by a felt-like material.

The pretty floral cover made of cheap PVC. The zipper functions well though.

Pretty fair buy i would say. Now if only i could read Chinese or actually know how to utilize this manicure set. Nice pouch though.


  1. It looks not bad! But I probably wouldn't buy it, especially since the design doesn't attract me and i seldom use those tools anyway. XD Not to mention that the PVC cover kinda puts me off, lol.

  2. Huhuhu i think u kinda justified what i had a nagging suspicion about! Another impulse buy! Gotta... cut... back... on.... spending! Thanks Laura!

  3. I don't know whether the correct response is "You're welcome" or not, lol. Anyway, you can always reassure yourself that it's a Paul & Joe product that can't be bought from counters, i guess? *trying to help you justify the purchase LOL*

  4. Hahaha for me 'you're welcome' is a correct responce LOL. I have a feeling i'm not going to even use it!

